Dry Herb Cartridge

High cost-effectiveness dry herb smoking devices.




A dry herb cartridge device via heats the dry cannabis flowers to produce a vapor that houses the material’s therapeutic properties.
Rather than combusting the material, like with cigarettes, vaporizers heat the material and release its active ingredients in the form of vapor, instead of smoke.

Step 1: Grind your herbs
Step 2: Pack your vape
Step 3: Power on your vape
Step 4: Pick your temperature
Step 5: Inhale your vaporized herbs
Step 6: Power off & clean your vape

Keeping your cartridge clean is critical to ensuring a great experience every time you start your cartridge.
It is recommended that you clean your evaporator as thoroughly as possible by following these steps:
1. Take your evaporator apart.
2. Dump loose residue from the heating chamber. You can do this by lightly tapping the body of the vaporizer.
3. Remove any remaining herbal residues from the heating chamber.
4. Clean the mouthpiece. Use another Q-Tip to thoroughly wipe the inside of the mouthpiece.
5. Finally, put the vaporizer back in and clean the outside with a soft microfiber cloth.